Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Not just another shameless plug...

Last week I fell into a deep hole called my senior project, and today I am emerging to find that Newt Gingrich is still gaining ground in the polls.  And, I hope this is an indication that, not only are conservative voters laying aside personal opinions and thinking about the big, national picture, but that they are getting serious about choosing a candidate for president.  During the GOP debate last week, a Twitter follower commented that it seems like most of the candidates were saying what people wanted to hear and not what they needed to hear.  Yes, this is a campaign.  However, the candidate that is willing to put the country above his campaign will probably be the president that will be willing to what is right, even at risk of his re-election.  Right now, we are watching President Obama make political decisions, like rejecting the Keystone pipeline, that will help him keep his following but not his country. I think Mr. Gingrich is making it very clear that this he is not running a campaign, he is fighting for the cause of America and the freedoms we cherish. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Speaking of Government...

Interesting comments by Michele Bachmann on how her supposedly conservative opponents do not truly respect the roles of government and people.

Bachmann targets 'frugal socialists' in Republican Party


I wasn't even sure what to title this post.  FOX posted this story this morning, and I passed over it the first time.  However, this tagline caught my eye, "The Obama administration has imposed a 15-cent tax on Christmas trees in order to pay for a new board tasked with promoting the Christmas tree industry."  Yes, government in its current state is self-defeating.  This is a small but significant example of the need to bring government back to its original limited form, a form which has the good of the people in mind.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

We Only Have One Opponent

"For days, there's been talk of a Newt Gingrich boomlet in the Republican presidential race here in Iowa.  After Friday night's Reagan Dinner at Hy-Vee Hall in downtown Des Moines, that Gingrich boomlet talk might turn into talk of a Gingrich boom." Read the entire article here,  As I have mentioned before, Newt Gingrich has consistently put the country before his campaign, indicating a proper perspective on the presidency.  On Friday, Iowa voters acknowledged this, praising Gingrich for his statement, "I am here with very fine competitors, but no opponents. We only have one opponent, and that's Barack Obama." 

For any historians in the crowd, check out this story about William F. Buckley,  For those who are unfamiliar, add Let Us Talk of Many Things: The Collected Speeches of William F Buckley to your reading list.  Also, view the online version of his famous publication, National Review,  Buckley greatly informs the conservative movement we know today and deserves the attention of conservatives who want to influence society.