Friday, October 28, 2011

"Obama Schooled at Education Forum"

Somehow, I feel like only FOX News can get away with one-liners like this.  And, they did. Check out the excerpt from today's headlines below:

"Two days after President Obama said he would use an executive order to ease student loans, Republican candidate Michele Bachmann slammed him for the move at an educational forum held by Newscorp and the College Board Thursday night in New York.
Speaking via satellite, she cited Obama's decision as an "abuse of power" that would prompt people to avoid financial responsibility for their loans. In addition, she says that putting the burden of student loan debt onto the taxpayer is a "moral hazard."
GOP candidates Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, and Herman Cain also took part in the forum, and there was consensus among all the presidential hopefuls that education is not a federal issue, but a state one."

Also, injured Libyan fighters being treated in US?

And, updates on 9/11 terror investigation:

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Link Update

Today, I have added a link, for the Freedom Foundation of Minnesota, to the right-hand source list on this blog.  I encourage all readers to check out this local organization, including its most recent case addressing home owner rights (, and the others listed beneath it.  Also, check out the FOX News ticker for hourly updates on daily news.  If all you have time for on this site is connecting with these resources, please do!  They are great ways to stay informed locally, nationally, and globally.  The following are interesting articles from FOX today:

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Prolonging the Inevitable?

President Obama's student loan plan (, albeit compassionate, is nothing short of prolonging the inevitable for all those holding student loans.  While the amount of academic debt Americans have incurred is alarming and unfortunate, this is not the problem, it is merely a symptom of a greater disease, the gluttony of entitlement.  For several decades, Americans have been fed a terrible lie, that they deserve what they want.  True, America offers enterprising individuals the chance to work for and gain what they want.  However, the only things guaranteed by the Constitution (and indeed the Creator) are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  Please note the distinction between happiness and the pursuit thereof.  On an economic level, happiness in America denotes financial success. Regrettably, a generation has been born, raised, and educated to believe that they deserve this success and the comforts it provides.  A post-secondary education is traditionally required and necessary, but it is not deserved.  Education is a privilege, it is an ideal worth aspiring to.  However, it is not a right, and, therefore, it may be obtained slowly if at all.  Americans do not like the latter phrase, "if at all."  We been raised in a country where almost anything is possible.  However, unless we begin a strict diet of responsibility and frugality, we will soon be living a a country where little is probable.  Benjamin Franklin warned,

Beware of thinking all your own that you possess, and of living accordingly.  'Tis a mistake that many people who have credit fall into.  To prevent this, keep an exact Account for some Time of both your [expenses] and your incomes.  If you take the pains at first to mention particulars, it will have this good effect; you will discover how wonderfully small trifling [expenses] mount up to large sums, and will discern what might have been, and may for the future be saved, without occasioning any great inconvenience. (

Currently, America is writhing under the pain of the inconvenience caused by irresponsibility.  Our households and our White House are bloated by debt.  Taking on debt that cannot be paid has become not only acceptable but even a way of living.  America cannot survive let alone succeed in this state.  George Washington cautioned,

As a very important source of strength and security, cherish public credit.  One method of preserving it is to use it as sparingly as possible: avoiding occasion of [expense] by cultivating peace, but remembering also that timely disbursements to prepare for danger frequently prevent much greater disbursements to repel it; avoiding likewise the accumulation of debt, not only by shunning occasions of [expense], but by vigorous exertions in time of peace to discharge the debts which unavoidable wars may have occasioned, not ungenerously throwing upon posterity the burden which we ourselves ought to bear. (

Unfortunately, those who are in debt (students or not) are left to begin the slow, arduous, yet worthwhile project of losing excess expense and adopting a lifestyle of discipline and frugality.  Next, this lifestyle must be passed onto future generations, that each may "bear their own burdens" and thus perpetuate a competitive and successful nation.  This evening, I had the privilege to hear former Florida Governor Jeb Bush speak, at the annual Fall Briefing hosted by Center for the American Experiment.  Gov. Bush praised the opportunities America provides for her people and reflected on the beauty of American ingenuity.  Because of these two great things, he called for our nation to encourage its children and students to become the best not just to believe they are the best.  It may be cliche, but today's students are tomorrow's leaders, and America must be raising a generation that can lead locally, nationally, and globally for America to remain a world leader.  A solid education in values, common sense, and responsibility are just as essential as the three R's.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Pro-Life, Pro-America

In an interview Wednesday with CNN, Cain said he believes life begins at conception. "And abortion under no circumstances," he added. But Cain also said "it's not the government's role or anybody else's role to make that decision," according to a CNN transcript.  This is where Cain and many others are wrong.  The issue around abortion is not the making of a decision but the saving of lives.  Abortion is the intentional killing of innocent, unborn children (  If babies were killed instantly after delivery, it would be called murder.  There is no discrepancy - if a child comes out of the womb he was a child within the womb.  Therefore, if he is protected without he should be protected within.  Preventing abortion is no more an attempt to legislate morality than jailing murderers.  There are matters of conscience and matters of right and wrong.  In our pluralistic and relativistic society, we are afraid to address absolutes.  But whether or not we address them, they exist.  Therefore, Americans cannot be afraid to take a stand, to make it known that they do not want to live in a country that allows the murder of unborn children.   A country that will not protect its children will not long be protected.  A people that do not rally around virtue will soon fall to ruin.  In his 1793 Farewell Address, George Washington labeled morality an "indispensable support" to freedom.  A people not held accountable will not be held together.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Two Things:

First, I am listening to Sean Hannity's interview of Newt Gingrich, following the GOP debate.  Worth checking out, this man has some great things to say. ( His experience and knowledge lend him impeccable perspective on the political process and a comprehensive view of where America is and what it needs. Also, he seems to be proving that he is more concerned about communicating valuable information and working for the good of the country than winning the presidency, though I am sure he fancies this the best way.  Newt is concerned with exposing America's problems, not those of the other candidates.

Second, this afternoon I caught a few minutes of a painfully ignorant case being made for the Occupy Wall Street movement.  Again, Sean Hannity was interviewing a well-known actress who attempted to defend this movement even though, if the ideals of OWS were upheld, her career and financial well-being would have been impossible.  Just like the protesters, she has little grasp on reality and no appreciation for what she has been given.  Recently, I heard someone say that the Constitution only guarantees Americans three things: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  This is all we are guaranteed because this is all to which we have a right.  All else is extra, the result of hard work and personal responsibility.  Speaking of which, if all of the OWS protesters put as much energy into working as they do into complaining, perhaps they wouldn't have anything to complain about?  Just a thought...  Back to the Constitution, all men are created equal.  They have been given life by God, guaranteed liberty by the Constitution, and encouraged to pursue happiness under a limited government.  It is clear that government was designed to be, and best functions as, an entity limited to protecting its people and maintaining internal order.  No where, does this founding document indicate the government was responsible to ensure happiness, only to allow its citizens to pursue this aim.  Some will not make it, they will encounter hard times.  However, if free enterprise is encouraged and pursued, individuals will have a greater chance to succeed on their own and, in turn, the nation will succeed as well.  And, those that succeed will be able to help those who don't, whether directly (IE charities) or indirectly (IE increased hiring).  Check out Rush's page for more good comments and information:

Monday, October 17, 2011

Dream Coming True

Forty-eight years ago, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his famous I Have A Dream ( speech.  This evening, FOX News is headlining Herman Cain's surge in the polls, Cain Squeaks Ahead of Obama in New Election Poll (  Whether or not HC stays at the top or is just the "flavor of the month," as Larry Sabato believes, all Americans should pause to be properly appreciative of this moment.  Not only is the first black president - a former senator - serving in the Oval Office, but his strongest opposition at this moment is successful black businessman - a former CEO and chairman of the Board of Directors at the Federal Reserve Bank in Kansas City ( While much remains to be discussed on the subject of race in America, we should all recognize the significance of this moment in American history.

Obama's First 1,000 Days Marked By Federal Spending Spree, More Unemployment

VIDEO: "Pre-Occupy MN"

First Palestinian Prisoners Released in Historic Israeli Swap Deal

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Leapfrog: Time to Break the Cycle

Today, FOX ran the headline, Cain Leapfrogs Romney to Vault to Lead in Poll.  Since the Iowa Straw Poll kicked off the campaign season, it seems to me that Republican candidates have been playing this pointless game.  Leapfrog is a childhood amusement with an unfortunate infinity.  Likewise, the Republican presidential race is becoming a cyclical, inside competition.  We have forgotten the main objective.  Generally, even children choose a destination and purpose for their game; however, it appears that our candidates are too busy trying to jump over each others' heads to remember where they are going.  Of late, the Republican party appears to be plagued by a serious case of infighting.  We have forgotten our core values and entertained personal preferences for far too long.  The aforementioned article states that voters have become "disenchanted" with Rick Perry.  This is the problem.  Republicans must marry their idealism with realism.  What is the big picture?  It is as if each Republican/conservative voter is carrying around a fragment of a large painting, believing his square is the most important.  In contrast, unless we put our squares together, we will never reach our objective.  Because, our objective is the betterment of America and the defeat of Democratic liberalism, right?  We should not be seeking enchantment in the perfect candidate but the best candidate, who effectively defends core principles.  This principle applies to the candidates as well.  There are some who, frankly, just won't be president.  Therefore, they should forgo campaigning for themselves and focus on the objective - reclaiming the White House for the good of the People and the country.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Up & Running (& Writing) Again

After a bit of a break, WLC is back on track, a little bit of a new track.  This site remains a space for discussion but will also exist as a destination for those needing a quick update on current events.  As I mentioned in my bio, every American must be informed locally, nationally, and globally.  Starting next week, I will be posting daily headlines, links, etc. in each of these areas.  Because I am currently located in the Twin Cities, local news will be based on the metro area and the state of Minnesota.  As always, links to my preferred news organizations and resources will be available on the sidebar.  Please check these out as often as possible.  I am glad to be back,
writing to collect and communicate my thoughts.  Please, share yours, even if we do not agree.  In the end, we must agree that freedom is too precious to waste and the comfort we enjoy in America is nothing short of a gift.  One of my favorite things is popcorn and a movie on a rainy day, and I relish the few days a year when the only task at hand is to sit down with a good book and cup of coffee.  However, in our modern world, I am made more and more aware each day of the freedoms that are being lost around the world and the freedoms that most have never had.  For the most part, I do not have to worry about my safety - and as I write I am sitting comfortably in my living room that is probably nicer than most homes around the world.  As I grow older, I also grow more grateful.  I realize that even the opportunity to have a blog and write about whatever I choose is a freedom and I do not want to waste it!