Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Two Things:

First, I am listening to Sean Hannity's interview of Newt Gingrich, following the GOP debate.  Worth checking out, this man has some great things to say. ( His experience and knowledge lend him impeccable perspective on the political process and a comprehensive view of where America is and what it needs. Also, he seems to be proving that he is more concerned about communicating valuable information and working for the good of the country than winning the presidency, though I am sure he fancies this the best way.  Newt is concerned with exposing America's problems, not those of the other candidates.

Second, this afternoon I caught a few minutes of a painfully ignorant case being made for the Occupy Wall Street movement.  Again, Sean Hannity was interviewing a well-known actress who attempted to defend this movement even though, if the ideals of OWS were upheld, her career and financial well-being would have been impossible.  Just like the protesters, she has little grasp on reality and no appreciation for what she has been given.  Recently, I heard someone say that the Constitution only guarantees Americans three things: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  This is all we are guaranteed because this is all to which we have a right.  All else is extra, the result of hard work and personal responsibility.  Speaking of which, if all of the OWS protesters put as much energy into working as they do into complaining, perhaps they wouldn't have anything to complain about?  Just a thought...  Back to the Constitution, all men are created equal.  They have been given life by God, guaranteed liberty by the Constitution, and encouraged to pursue happiness under a limited government.  It is clear that government was designed to be, and best functions as, an entity limited to protecting its people and maintaining internal order.  No where, does this founding document indicate the government was responsible to ensure happiness, only to allow its citizens to pursue this aim.  Some will not make it, they will encounter hard times.  However, if free enterprise is encouraged and pursued, individuals will have a greater chance to succeed on their own and, in turn, the nation will succeed as well.  And, those that succeed will be able to help those who don't, whether directly (IE charities) or indirectly (IE increased hiring).  Check out Rush's page for more good comments and information:

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