Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Leapfrog: Time to Break the Cycle

Today, FOX ran the headline, Cain Leapfrogs Romney to Vault to Lead in Poll.  Since the Iowa Straw Poll kicked off the campaign season, it seems to me that Republican candidates have been playing this pointless game.  Leapfrog is a childhood amusement with an unfortunate infinity.  Likewise, the Republican presidential race is becoming a cyclical, inside competition.  We have forgotten the main objective.  Generally, even children choose a destination and purpose for their game; however, it appears that our candidates are too busy trying to jump over each others' heads to remember where they are going.  Of late, the Republican party appears to be plagued by a serious case of infighting.  We have forgotten our core values and entertained personal preferences for far too long.  The aforementioned article states that voters have become "disenchanted" with Rick Perry.  This is the problem.  Republicans must marry their idealism with realism.  What is the big picture?  It is as if each Republican/conservative voter is carrying around a fragment of a large painting, believing his square is the most important.  In contrast, unless we put our squares together, we will never reach our objective.  Because, our objective is the betterment of America and the defeat of Democratic liberalism, right?  We should not be seeking enchantment in the perfect candidate but the best candidate, who effectively defends core principles.  This principle applies to the candidates as well.  There are some who, frankly, just won't be president.  Therefore, they should forgo campaigning for themselves and focus on the objective - reclaiming the White House for the good of the People and the country.

1 comment:

  1. "Leapfrog is a childhood amusement with an unfortunate infinity."

    Very excellent, Kileen.
