Monday, September 27, 2010

Stealing from the Rich...Til They can Steal from the Poor Again.

In view of upcoming elections, Democrats cannot risk incurring more disapproval from the American people by allowing Bush's tax cuts to expire.  However, in true liberal fashion, they also cannot afford the lifestyle they have created for this country.  As a result, Democrats are attempting to stuff the ballot boxes and stuff their legislative wallet at the same time.  FOX News reports, "President Obama and other Democratic leaders are on record as wanting to extend former President George W. Bush's tax cuts only for households with incomes up to $250,000 a year.  The idea, they maintain, is to whack the rich with higher taxes in order to help pay down the government's debt."  As an average American who works hard and pays bills, I appreciate lower taxes.  However, I do not appreciate the misconception many have that wealthy people who work hard for their money deserve to pay more taxes.  If a millionaire earns an honest living, he has just as much right to his millions as I do to my hundreds.  For a party so bent on fairness, this Democratic policy just doesn't seem fair.

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