Thursday, October 7, 2010

In The World But Not Of It: Christians In Politics

Should Christians be involved in politics? Yes.  Each believer's involvement will differ; for some this means running for public office, for others this means being an informed citizen and actively voting.  Falling somewhere in between, I am interested in how politics affects everyday life and would like to work on a campaign someday.  I want to help make headlines, but not be the one in the headline.  In many Christian circles, politics are treated as either evil or too earthly.  True, governments are secular establishments that are easily corrupted.  However, we cannot avoid or ignore their significance to the world in which we have been placed.  American Christians have an even greater obligation to be politically active.  Our democratic Republic is a unique and precious gift from God.  This nation was founded like no other.  There is nothing like America anywhere else in history.  American government is of, by, and for the people.  This is a tremendous responsibility, but one we must embrace.  Some Christians reject political parties and affiliations.  This is because they fail to understand that politics is merely a system, and it is our responsibility to operate within it according to Scripture.  Remember, in John 17, Jesus does not ask the Father to take His people out of the world, but to protect us from evil. (V15) Also, Christians are called to "Go unto all the world," and Washington DC is part of this world.  (Matthew 28:19) I am a Christian before I am a Republican; however, I am a Republican because I am a Christian.  America operates on a two-party system.  Therefore, if I can align myself with a party without compromising my faith, I will have the greatest impact.  While many Christians and conservatives are currently doubting the GOP, I do not believe it is "time for a third party."  I will maintain my membership as long as my party maintains conservative views on primary issues, such as abortion.  Also, third parties rarely have success.  Therefore, the most practical and effective response is to become involved with the established Republican movement, doing two things: first, we must work to secure as many Republican victories as possible.  Second, we should address any secondary concerns and strive to bring the party back to its roots.  For the answers to today's tough political questions, Americans must look back to the Christian principles upon which our Nation was founded.  This founding is a special gift from God that we have tossed in the closet and forgotten.  God has blessed America, and I pray He continues to do so...and that He has a reason.

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