Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I have said this before...

and - unfortunately - I am saying it again.  The conservative voters in this country are hopelessly entangled in webs spun from personal preference and second-rate ideals.  Rick Santorum's near win in Iowa is yet more proof that conservative voters and their candidates remain blinded by personal preference and lack the necessary forethought to put a Republican in the White House.  Yes, it is that simple.  We must put a Republican in the White House.  This is a harsh wake-up call to conservative ideologues slumbering contentedly in second-place.  I say contented because, if they were really discontented, if they really had any vision for this country beyond their own noses, if they really grasped the urgency of securing the Oval Office, they would get out of bed and realize that - in reality - there is really only one candidate capable of gaining the majority vote next November.  This candidate is Mitt Romney, and, while his Iowan victory is a good sign, it is not good enough.  The only good that came out of yesterday's elections is that Ron Paul took a resounding third place.  (For brevity's sake I will reserve all comment, except to say that his presence is evidence of the ideological malady I have been referencing.)  While I have been in the Gingrich camp for quite some time, and will always remain a staunch supporter, I realize that Mr. Romney has the best chance to win the 2012 presidential election.  He appeals to many independents, "moderates," and the women Newt Gingrich could never win.  This, added to the conservative Republican base could win the presidency.  Now, it is time for conservatives to rally together and turn that "could" into a "did." 

Wait, what was that?  Gingrich for Secretary of State?

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